Life & Style

How To Be Positive In 10 Easy Steps
18:10 2018-05-08

When it comes to learning how to be positive, you may think that you should be happier more often. However, being happy and being positive are not always the same thing. There are several ways you can practice positivity even when you’re going through a challenging time in life. Researchers even suggest that we can …

If you sleep in this position you will develop wrinkles quicker
08:13 2018-05-08

When I get into bed at the end of a long ole day, very little thought goes into the position I sleep in. I might start by face planting my pillow, before tossing and turning for a bit and finally lying on my side… usually my right side to be precise. But apparently my sleeping …

This afternoon activity could be the key to happiness, says science
07:06 2018-05-08

Nothing delights our inner lazy side more than a relaxing afternoon nap, and now science has done us proud by confirming what we have long suspected: napping could be the key to happiness! Research has revealed that having a short snooze in the daytime can not only boost our sense of wellbeing but our performance …

Why anxiety makes you eat — and what to do about it
05:13 2018-05-08

You know the scene: stress feels like it’s bubbling over, and suddenly where there was once a full bag of crisps, there are now just a few crumbs. This unconscious hand-to-mouth eating has a biological explanation: when you’re anxious, your brain tends to focus on an immediate reward (a tasty bite), while forgetting a long-term …

People who like to be alone have these 6 special personality traits
02:16 2018-05-08

In terms of our personalities and how we approach others, we are often placed in one of two categories: Introvert or Extrovert. Is it possible to be a little bit of both? Have you ever wondered what qualities specifically make up each and what they indicate? In this article we reveal what it means to be …