Life & Style

Science Explains How Dancing Can Reverse Your Age
00:13 2018-05-08

Let’s Dance! Sometimes we have to stand back in awe of perhaps the most complex and beautiful thing in our universe: the human brain. Our brain is remarkable. As much as we’ve learned about the 3-pound organ between our ears, this study is one example of how we’ve just begun scratching the surface. As magnificent …

Study finds that fasting for 72 hours can regenerate the entire immune system
21:06 2018-05-07

Fasting for three days can regenerate the entire immune system and reverse the damage to the immune system done by chemotherapy. A team of researchers at the University of Southern California have described their breakthrough as “remarkable”. While diets and fasting have traditionally been criticized by the medical profession as unhealthy and ultimately counterproductive, these …

40 ways to find peace of mind (even in tough times)
20:07 2018-05-07

It’s the goal for most adults: peace of mind. So often we find ourselves trapped in a hurricane of deadlines, issues, bills, and personal anxieties, to the point that the only choice is to keep struggling through the hurricane or break down, and the latter isn’t much of an option. We think of the idea …

5 surprisingly powerful ways to heal your wounded “inner child”
19:06 2018-05-07

The “inner child” is one of those concepts that is used regularly yet is a little confusing to think about. It’s referred to in different ways, ranging from “the child archetype”, to “the child within”, to “the wonder child” to the “wounded child.” Yet what does it mean? And how does connecting with your wounded …

11 Secrets That Can Change Your Life
01:07 2018-05-07

Emotions in are mysterious things in life. They’re fallible, yet always in-flux. They make life worth living, yet can claim a life. They’re fleeting, yet can form our inner world. Emotions can be the source of a breakthrough, or a breakdown (including in logic.) Emotions are also contrasting. Love, hate; happy, sad; joyous, sorrowful. Love, …