Motivational Quotes

Leslie Jordan BEST Quotes
20:43 2022-10-26

“My mind is like a bad neighborhood. Honey, you do not want to go up there alone.” ― Leslie Jordan, How Y’allDoing?: Misadventures and Mischief from a Life Well Lived “I think our dreams are what sustain us in hard times. Dreams are what keep us childlike. I love that they can grow and expand …

15 Mind-Bending Quotes From Alice In Wonderland Everyone Needs To Hear
19:29 2018-04-29

Alice In Wonderland is one of my favorite books of all time. I grew up reading it, and of course, watching the famous Disney movie. It wasn’t until a recent re-reading of the book that I realized how deep and truly inspiring this classic work of fiction really is. Now for some people, the dialog …

12 Quotes by Taoist Spiritual Masters That Will Give You a Fresh Perspective to Life
23:06 2018-04-12

As China’s only indigenous religion, Taoism’s influence is found in everything from calligraphy and politics to medicine and poetry. It represents the unknown, and inspires us to go to places to discover more about our nature. Taoism has achieved an incredible resurgence in the West in recent years, and for good reason. It’s full of …

These 10 life lessons from Albert Einstein will blow your mind wide open
21:05 2018-04-12

Everyone is familiar with the work of Albert Einstein, and he has long been regarded as one of the greatest scientists in recorded history. While his ground-breaking scientific discoveries helped to redefine our understanding of the natural world, his contributions to society go far beyond his theories of relativity. More than 60 years after his …

9 Profound Quotes From Osho That Will Change Your Perspective on Life
05:03 2018-04-10

Osho was famous philosopher from India who spoke about love, creativity and the importance of understanding who you are. These quotes won’t give you all the answers to your problems in life, but they will offer you a different way of looking at things that counters what we are taught in the west. Osho believed …