Food & Drinks

Here’s Why Counting Calories Really Isn’t Necessary for Weight Loss
06:10 2017-12-27

As a registered dietitian, the thought of anyone counting calories, aka the energy you get from what you eat and drink, causes me to sigh audibly. Counting calories is a time-consuming, soul-sucking practice that’s actually a lesson in futility, as far as I’m concerned. Yet people continue to do it. They pull out their calorie-tracking …

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink: The Short- and Long-Term Effects
05:06 2017-12-27

What Happens When You Drink Alcohol? As alcohol passes through your system, about 20 percent is absorbed by the stomach with the remaining 80 percent moving into the small intestine to be absorbed there. The absorption rate of alcohol into your bloodstream depends on two factors. Firstly, the concentration of the alcohol. So, for example, …

Say goodbye to your sore head! GP reveals the hangover cures that actually WORK – and why you should always avoid a fry-up
01:15 2017-12-27

With festive season in full swing, many of us are waking up feeling a little bit fuzzy after having one too many drinks the night before. And while everyone swears by their own hangover cure, it can be difficult to know which ones actually work. Now Dr Dan Robertson, an in-house GP at Manchester-based Push …

Fussy eaters have a high risk of depression
23:06 2017-12-26

Children who are extreme picky eaters may have an eating disorder that puts them at a higher risk for depression and anxiety. A child who is underweight, eats less than 20 types of foods and gets anxious around food may suffer from avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), the second most common eating disorder in …

7 Healthy Foods As Sweet As Candy
20:08 2017-12-26

This time of year, the ubiquity of candy summons a monster-like sugar craving in all of us, which, when it comes to sticking to a weight loss plan, can be more terrifying than the latest slasher flick. With its often-astronomical sugar content, candy’s clearly not the best choice for your diet. So instead of looting …