Food & Drinks

In This Country, It’s Illegal for Grocery Stores to Waste Food
22:05 2017-12-18

In the United States alone, grocery stores throw away billions of pounds of food per year. Sometimes it’s because the food is nearing its sell-by date, even though that doesn’t mean it’s inedible. Other times, it’s simply because the food item (most often, some kind of produce) is misshapen or odd-looking, even though the food …

This Is the Best Way to Clean Pesticides Off Your Fruit, According to Science
20:10 2017-12-18

We hate to break it to you, but you might want to start scrubbing your fruits and veggies a little harder. Not only can eating pesticides seriously damage your health, but most of your favorite fruits and vegetables are probably covered in the stuff. But if you just splash a bit of water on that …

Coca-Cola Has Hidden Images on Its Holiday Cans. Can You Spot Them?
19:37 2017-12-18

Polar bears have a carbonated beverage of choice and it comes, frequently, in a glass bottle. Coca-Cola debuted polar bears as their new arctic advertising animal in 1993 and since then, the Coke polar bears have become indelible in pop culture—spotting a polar bear on a can of Coke in the winter is a given. …

Could a cup of hot tea each day reduce the risk of glaucoma?
09:02 2017-12-17

A new study has discovered that the risk of glaucoma — a fairly common eye condition in the older population that can result in loss of vision — was lower in people who drank hot tea every day. a cup of hot tea and a pair of glasses Could one cup of hot tea per …

8 Amazing Benefits of Goji Berries You Didn’t Know About
08:01 2017-12-17

You know it’s crucial to get nutrient-rich berries into your diet—but don’t stop at strawberries and blueberries. Goji berries might not be as common, but they’re a superfood loaded with a wide range of health benefits. Good for your eyes Could goji berries replace carrots on the list of foods that are good for eyesight?The …