Food & Drinks

Probiotics Could Protect Your Liver From Damage
20:06 2018-04-25

A new study in mice revealed that probiotics could be good for more than just your gut. A growing body of research suggests that gut health can impact overall well being A new study in mice says that a common probiotic could prevent liver damage Large clinical trials are still needed to determine how probiotics …

People who eat breakfast have smaller waistlines and gain less weight over time, study finds
08:04 2018-04-25

People who eat breakfast every morning are slimmer and less likely to gain weight over time, a new study has found. Many skip their first meal in a bid to cut down on calories, including actress Joanna Lumley, but a Mayo Clinic study has shown that tactic is flawed. The study of 350 adults found …

Five common myths about fibre – and why you’re probably not getting enough
03:06 2018-04-25

According to figures from Public Health England (PHE), most Brits aren’t getting enough fibre from their diets. Findings from the latest National Diet and Nutrition Survey reveal that the average Brit consumes 18g of fibre each day, however, this is significantly below the recommended intake of 30g. So, where are we going wrong? And why …

Drinking camomile tea could help control or prevent diabetes, research shows
18:11 2018-04-24

The ConversationCamomile – that yellow flower so often made into a tea, enjoyed before bed – is a very interesting plant. It was recently discovered that the humble flower may control or even prevent diabetes – and now my research into historical textile dyes has helped identify the specific compounds involved. That bedtime herbal tea …

11 Popular Breakfast Foods Doctors Don’t Recommend
03:20 2018-04-23

Dietologists think that a healthy breakfast should contain 400-700 calories and nutrients that charge our body with energy. It’s not recommended to eat some popular foods in the morning even if we’re used to them. Now you can check whether today’s breakfast was healthy or not. We compiled a list of products that we recommend …