Food & Drinks

The common diet myths you need to ignore
23:08 2018-04-04

We’ve all been there. You’ve cut out junk food, stopped the snacking and spend every spare minute in the gym, but you still aren’t seeing any results on the scales. Sound familiar? We’ve spoken to Dr. Michelle Braude, Doctor & Nutritionist and founder of The Food Effect about some of the common dieting myths she …

Study Suggests Cutting Calories May Help You Live Longer
08:08 2018-04-04

A recent study published in the journal Cell Metabolism found lowering calorie intake by just 15 percent—or 300 calories from the recommended daily guideline of 2,000—can slow aging and metabolism, leading to an overall healthier life and more positive mood. The trial, called CALERIE (Comprehensive Assessment of the Long-Term Effect of Reducing Intake of Energy), …

How Many Calories Are In An Apple?
06:04 2018-04-04

An apple a day…yeah yeah, you know the rest. But how many calories, exactly, are in an apple—and is that staple your mom packed in your school lunch really that great for you? Experts say yes. “Apples are the second most consumed fruit, behind bananas, for a reason! They are generally inexpensive, portable, healthy, and …

Chocolate IS good for you: Why a bit of cocoa every day really does boost your mind, heart and mood
02:05 2018-04-04

Chocolate (made from the Theobroma cacao tree seeds) is thought to date back to the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica over 3,000 years ago.  Ever since, demand for chocolate has boomed with billions indulging in its sweet rich taste.  It is often considered to be the ultimate comfort food, mood changer and romantic gesture, and has …

Cutting out red meat significantly reduces people’s risk of bowel cancer, study finds
01:09 2018-04-04

Cutting out red meat significantly reduces people’s risk of bowel cancer, new research suggests. Compared to those who in indulge in beef, lamb and pork, non-red meat eaters are less likely to develop the disease in the part of the colon where faeces are stored, a study found today. Researchers, from the University of Leeds, …