Life & Style

Our future health is decided at just 10 years old: Children from disadvantaged homes have reduced wellbeing as elderly adults
07:06 2018-02-22

People’s future health may be decided at just 10 years old, new research suggests. Children from disadvantaged homes have reduced wellbeing as older adults regardless of how comfortable their teenage or middle-aged years were, a study found today. Researchers believe underprivileged upbringings may cause youngsters stress, which could lead to inflammation that affects their immunity …

Your lifestyle habits at age 2 might affect your long-term health—here’s how
01:42 2018-02-22

Plenty of parents pop their kids in front of the TV in order to steal a few moments of private solace. But one harmful result? Too much screen time as a toddler can result in poorer eating habits and performance in school once the kiddos reach adolescence, according to new research. In a new study …

How to Control Anger Before It Controls You
21:42 2018-02-21

Most everything we do and feel affects our bodies and minds. So what is anger, anyway? Simply put, it is an emotion, but one with a purpose: to stop or start something. It might pop up, for instance, when you need to block a threat or take control of a situation. Most of the time, …

10 reasons why it’s great being single in your 40s, 50s and upwards
21:05 2018-02-21

Being single enables you to experience all that life has to offer without having to compromise. And, later in life, it can be a time for exploration and an opportunity to grow. To mark Singles Awareness Day, here are 10 reasons being single in your 50s is fantastic… 1. You get to improve your relationship …

Are Some People Genetically Predisposed To Lose Muscle More Easily?
19:43 2018-02-21

Everyone loses muscle mass as they age, but your genes could factor into how fast it occurs. You likely already know that genetics significantly influence who you are. They mold your unique qualities that ultimately determine your thoughts, behavioral patterns, and of course, appearance. However, can your genes also influence how quickly you lose muscle …