Life & Style

Introverts have this one little-known social strength, says study
17:06 2018-03-21

We all have ingrained ideas about the differences between introverts and extroverts, one of which being that the latter tend to have an advantage in social situations thanks to their more outgoing attitude. After all, it’s well-known that introverts tend to find socialising, particularly in large groups, draining, while their more extroverted counterparts experience the …

Psychologists Explained How to Recognize an Emotionally Unstable Person by Their Behavior
10:06 2018-03-21

Lack of self-confidence is one of the most important things which influences our image, our level of satisfaction with our lives, and our emotional stability. But it’s safe to say that pretty much everyone sometimes feels shy. And you would probably be amazed by the number of people who are trying to fight their shyness. …

15 Milestones Everyone Needs to Reach by Age 30
08:06 2018-03-21

LIVE ALONE From the trials and tribulations of house-shares to living with your mom and dad, you may have seen it all. However, if you’ve yet to have your own place—even for a short period—it could be time to give it a shot. Coming home to an empty apartment or house may sound a tad …

7 Exercises Men Should Do Every Day
04:03 2018-03-21

GUYS, MAKE A PLAN TO STAY FIT. From yoga to planks, master these fitness techniques and reap the benefits. Maybe you’re no stranger to the gym – but are you using your time there well? That’s another story. “There are more people exercising than any other time in history, thanks to a boom in health …

He’s watching you! Creepy ‘Devil doll’ sitting on a cemetery tombstone appears to follow the camera with its eyes
02:03 2018-03-21

A video of a vampire baby doll has captured the internet, thanks to a terrifying optical illusion. The footage, which has been shared globally on social media, shows the creepy puppet appearing to follow the camera with its stare. The doll – a baby vampire complete with fangs and a bottle of fake blood next …