Life & Style

Top 10 Most Beautiful Places In The World
14:32 2022-03-21

8 Incredible Attributes of Mentally Strong People
14:07 2018-09-01

I once knew a person with consistent initiative, the ability to stand unshaken in difficult circumstances, and tenacious joy. I watched this person encounter many turmoils and though they had moments of breakdown they always came out on top. To me, they were the definition of a mentally strong person. Mental strength can be more …

Never Settle For a Partner Who Doesn’t Do These 15 Things
17:58 2018-08-25

1. Don’t settle for less than a worthy person who will appreciate you in every single way. Someone who isn’t only holding your hand while you are walking together or is making sure you’re on the safe side of the sidewalk. Find someone whose hand you can feel while he or she walks with you …

How to Fall Asleep Fast and Have a Restful Sleep (The Definitive Guide)
23:06 2018-05-15

There are a few lucky people out there who have no trouble falling asleep at night. The minute their head hits the pillow, they’re out. The rest of us lie in bed staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning, waiting for the mercy of blessed sleep to come. Lack of sufficient and good quality sleep …

How To Stay Positive (When You Know Your Life Sucks)
22:03 2018-05-15

From losing your job or getting diagnosed with a major disease to going through a divorce or losing a loved one, unexpected disasters can show up when you least expect them. Everyone faces difficult challenges throughout their lives, but some of them handle it better than others. The difference is that some people have trained …