Life & Style

20 Ways You’re Stopping Yourself from Being More Mindful without Realizing It
18:02 2018-05-03

We could all stand to be more mindful. Focusing on self-enrichment and living in the present can make you healthier, wealthier, and wiser. But when it comes down to actually, well, being more mindful, there’s one steadfast impediment: You. Throughout the day, countless rote, subconscious actions pop as minute roadblocks. Maybe it’s the place you …

25 Ways You Can Accidentally Ruin Everything In Your 20s
05:12 2018-05-03

1. Staying in shitty relationships “Staying in a mediocre/bad relationship because of inertia or because you’ve already sunk a bunch of time and effort into it. Dating is hard at any age, but it gets harder as you get older. If you aren’t that into your current SO or it feels like the relationship is …

Five habits that could add over 10 years to your life
02:26 2018-05-03

Harvard University researchers have found that adopting five healthy habits as an adult could add over a decade to your life. By changing their lifestyle, women can increase their life expectancy by 14 years and men by 12. The five habits are: eating healthily, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy body weight, not drinking too much …

3 Ways to Deal With Difficult People
23:08 2018-05-02

Have you ever found yourself dealing with difficult people? People who are hard to get along with? I want to give you three strategies to deal with difficult people. It starts with the acronym H.U.G.: 1. Hear them. Step back and really hear what they’re saying, and then ask them, “Here’s what I heard you …

Scientists reveal cut-off age for learning a new language
05:11 2018-05-02

When it comes to learning a new language, popular opinion holds that it is more difficult to achieve as an adult than a child. But is there really a “critical period” for language learning? While it has been hard to prove, new research published in the journal Cognition, suggests that there is in fact a …