
7 Beauty Hacks to Look Better Than You Did at 25
07:05 2018-04-15

As we grow older we face certain changes in the condition of our skin, such as age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines. Some of these changes are caused by the natural aging process (intrinsic aging) and we can’t do much about it. We can, however, influence the other type of aging (extrinsic aging), which is …

6 Normal Ways Relationships Change After You Turn 40
01:08 2018-04-15

Hitting 40 ushers in a period of upheaval for lots of women—the combination of menopause, family obligations, a busy career, and caring for aging parents can send stress levels to hit new heights. And it’s our relationships that suffer the most. “All of us at midlife have to renegotiate our relationships with ourselves, our partners, …

Diastasis Recti: The Post-Pregnancy Body Problem Nobody Talks About
00:06 2018-04-15

If you’ve never had kids, it’s easy to assume that with plenty of crunches and a healthy diet, your belly will eventually go back to normal after you give birth. After all, plenty of women have babies and eventually bounce back to their pre-baby bodies. But most moms know that’s actually not the case most …

What Is the FODMAP Diet? This Gut-Healthy Food Trend Could Finally Get Rid of Your Bloated Belly
23:06 2018-04-14

FODMAPs are a group of carbohydrates found in certain foods and cause stomach discomfort in some people A low-FODMAP diet may ease irritable bowel syndrome symptoms such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea There are dozens of high-FODMAP fruits, vegetables, and sugars, and the diet can be restrictive—but for most people, it’s doable, and it’s only …

5 Health Benefits of Cherries
22:06 2018-04-14

Tart cherries have long been overshadowed by their sweeter, more popular cousins. But now, this underappreciated fruit is finally stepping into the spotlight—and deservedly so. Don’t get us wrong: The regular sweet cherry is pretty great, too: One serving contains 3 grams of fiber and about 10 milligrams of vitamin C, about 13 percent of …