
4 Ways To Tell If You Are Experiencing A Soul Connection With Another Person
05:06 2018-04-11

Life is full of connections. Everybody we meet on a daily basis forms a connection with us – and us with them – even if it lasts only as long as it takes to ask the time or where the nearest train station is. But these are generally personal connections. Intersections of two personalities influencing …

3 myths about caffeine you really need to stop believing
00:09 2018-04-11

We owe caffeine an apology. After years of blaming our frequent bathroom breaks and racing heartbeats on caffeine, recent studies suggest we’ve been pointing fingers at the wrong suspect. ‘As a physician, we have often associated caffeine with a number of symptoms,’ says Jennifer Caudle, DO, a board-certified family medicine physician and assistant professor at …

This is exactly how much water you need to drink in a day
23:12 2018-04-10

Although you may prefer wine, water makes up roughly 60 percent of your body, where it seriously pulls its weight: it helps transport nutrients to your cells, moves waste out of your body, and plays an important role in respiration and energy metabolism, according to the National Academy of Sciences’s Institute of Medicine. The thing …

Why chocolates are the perfect gift for your partner: The sweet treats stimulate the same hormones as SEX
21:09 2018-04-10

Scientists are uncovering evidence that turns chocolate from an enemy of the waistline to a virtue for emotional and sexual well-being. According to a new TV series, giving chocolate to someone you love makes them feel aroused and stimulates the same hormones as love-making. This is in part because it stimulates oxytocin – the same …

4 Stages of Raising Children According to Tibetan Wisdom
10:07 2018-04-10

As you might already know, the people of Tibet are patient, wise, and have their own unique look at all facets of human life. So, there’s a special “Tibetan view” when it comes to bringing up children. It helps them raise a self-sufficient person who will make thoughtful decisions and respect their parents. Цу discuss …