
The 5 Best Foods for Brain Health as You Age
03:26 2018-05-15

Experts from around the world have a crafted a recipe that will keep your brain firing on all cylinders. It’s official: Today’s typical Western diet — laden with salt, sugar, calories and saturated fats — is as bad for our brains as it is for our bodies. That’s part of the consensus reached by the …

Loving Someone Doesn’t Mean You Give Up Everything For Them
00:25 2018-05-15

When you love someone, you might have to make compromises. You might have to rearrange your priorities. You might have to rethink the way you want your future to look. But loving someone shouldn’t mean abandoning everything that makes you you. You should not have to sacrifice your dreams in order to keep your relationship …

Salmonella Outbreak Sickens More People Following Multi-State Egg Recall
21:22 2018-05-14

A salmonella outbreak that led to the multi-state recall in April of more than 200 million eggs has worsened in recent weeks, with the number of people sickened by the bacteria rising to almost three dozen. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday that the number of illnesses had risen to 35 …

Boils, Cysts, Ingrown Hairs, and 11 Other Skin Mysteries Explained
20:21 2018-05-14

Poof! A mysterious lump or bump appears on your body. What is it? How long has it been there? It’s impossible to ask Dr. Google about a “lump on skin” and not lose your mind, but many times these lumps and bumps are nothing to lose sleep over. Is it a keloid? Keloids occur when …

9 Weird Pooping Habits, Explained By Science
19:18 2018-05-14

You know you’ve wondered these questions about your bowel movements. We got the inside scoop from poop doctors. You wake up at night to pee, but not to poop The sophisticated, intelligent neurons in your gut that control colon contractions, which push out waste, are also influenced by your body’s circadian rhythm, the internal clock …
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