
In Switzerland, Scientists Suggested a Way to Diagnose Early Signs of Dangerous Diseases
19:11 2018-05-01

So many lives would have been saved if serious diseases had been found out about earlier. But soon, these kinds of discoveries will be possible! Scientists from Switzerland have discovered an easy and safe method to diagnose dangerous diseases so they can be treated before it’s too late. We hope this discovery will make people’s …

The 13-Day Astronaut’s Diet Can Help You Lose Weight and Eliminate Stomach Issues
12:32 2018-05-01

The Astronaut’s Diet can help us to accelerate our metabolism and slim down. Don’t worry, there’s no need to go into space to follow this diet! Just follow these instructions and start feeling as light as you would in zero gravity! We have learned about this easy diet that has a jaw-dropping effect. How does …

10 Exercises to Get Rid of Back and Armpit Fat in 20 Minutes
11:30 2018-05-01

There is nothing more frustrating than putting on your Sunday best and noticing your back and armpit fat rolls poking out. As a rule, we neglect our backs and armpits during workouts as we focus on the parts of the body we see in the mirror more often like our abs, legs, and butt. Today …

14 Bizarre Cosmetic Procedures Celebrities Go Through to Look So Chic
10:35 2018-05-01

Stars have always been role models. After all, on the screen they all look incredibly well-groomed. It seems that this can be achieved only with expensive cosmetics and constant complicated procedures. But it turns out that in order to look so amazing, celebrities choose methods which may even make you shiver. We found some of …

Want to Be Healthy? Make Sure to Do These 7 Things. (Most People Don’t)
08:43 2018-05-01

Whether or not you eat right and work out, these important habits will make you healthier. Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle? The answer is probably yes–we all want to be alive and active and feel as well as we can for as long as possible. But what are you actually doing to …
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