Love & Sex

Everyday Habits That Are Ruining Your Relationship, According to Experts
08:04 2018-04-03

Bad habits — we all have ’em. But many of us don’t even realize how our little quirks and gestures are negatively affecting our loved ones. That being said, habits are seriously hard to break. How many times have you tried to eliminate the word “like” from your vocabulary? Or how about the number of …

7 unavoidable questions you must ask your partner before your relationship gets serious
20:06 2018-03-30

Your partner will always remain a mystery to you, even just partly. And that’s fine—it’s healthy to keep discovering new things about your partner, because the moment you stop discovering or trying to discover is the moment the relationship will become stale. However, there are a few certain important issues that you need to clear …

10 things men consider major turn-offs during sex
19:03 2018-03-30

If you think that a man will take any and all sex that he can get, you might be surprised to find that many men have a list of things they don’t like during sex. Here are 10 things men consider a turn-off when they are in the sack. 1) She’s Not Sure What to …

Never date someone who does these 15 things
19:02 2018-03-29

I don’t need to tell you that dating someone is one of the biggest decisions you can possibly make. You only get life once, and you’re choosing to spend a massive amount of time with one person. Sure, the relationship might only last one year, but if you live to 80, that’s still 1/80th of …

This one type of exercise could boost your sex life, suggests study
07:03 2018-03-22

If you’re hoping to give your sex life a boost, it might be worth taking up a new hobby. At least if the results of a new study on cycling are to be believed. Yep, according to new research by the University of California, women who cycle report better sex lives than those who don’t. …