Never date someone who does these 15 things
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19:02 2018-03-29

I don’t need to tell you that dating someone is one of the biggest decisions you can possibly make.

You only get life once, and you’re choosing to spend a massive amount of time with one person.

Sure, the relationship might only last one year, but if you live to 80, that’s still 1/80th of your life. Huge.

You need to make sure that they’re worth it. Because if they’re not, not only are you wasting your precious time, but they could seriously fuck up your life.

Trust me, I know from personal experience.

So, whatever you do, make sure they don’t do these 15 things!

1) They get sketchy whenever you ask to see their phone

This is a serious warning sign. It means they’re hiding something and you can’t trust them.

And without trust, a relationship can’t grow.

2) They get all weird when you ask about their day at work or what they did on the weekend

Yes, it’s okay to do things without you, but if they won’t tell you what they’re doing when they’re without you, it has to make you wonder.

I mean, how can you trust someone who won’t be honest about what they’re doing?

3) They tell you something, then they change their story

If they describe something about their day, and then later on, they change it up, it’s incredibly shifty.

The truth is the truth. It doesn’t change!

If you can’t trust what they say, how in the hell are you meant to trust them?

4) They put you down

Some people thrive on feeling better than others. It’s toxic.

If they call you names or they’re always on a mission to one-up you, you need to ask why they’re in this relationship.

Just to feel better about themselves? F*ck that!

You seriously need to get the hell away from someone like that.

5) They get mad when you don’t want sex

This a terrible warning sign that they see you as a sex object and nothing more.

Let’s be honest, sex is just one part of many parts to a successful relationship. If sex is their main motivation, the relationship will lack depth and you’ll eventually get hurt.

6) They never buy you things

I don’t care if you’re girl or a guy, you should always be on the lookout for things that your man or woman needs. It’s basic courtesy.

But if they never buy you things that you need, it means that they’re not paying attention and they’re more concerned with themselves.

Remember, a successful relationship involves two people giving and receiving and being there for each other.

7) They hate spending time with your friends and family

If they constantly bash your friends and family and show a lack of respect, it means they have no respect for you, either.

Not only is this a warning sign that they’re not really compatible with you, but in all honesty, they might be a total asshole too.

It’s negative energy that you simply don’t need in your life.

8) They hold you to double standards

A classic example of this is if they’re always happy to go out drinking with their friends, but they get mad when you do the same.

No, no matter how they spin it, it’s not okay.

9) They turn their mistakes into your mistakes

They fail at something, but somehow, you’re the one apologizing for it.

If this is the case, it’s a surefire sign that they’re manipulative and skillful at turning everything into your fault.

It’s horrible for your own self-esteem.

10) They still flirt with others

How terrible is it to go out to a public place and watch them flirt with another person right in front of you, even if it’s just the waiter/waitress?!

I’m sorry, but those actions are a huge indicator that they’re capable of cheating. You should be the one they’re making laugh and feel giddy about.

And if you don’t get rid of them quickly, it could cause you future pain that you won’t be able to fathom.

11) They refuse to give you a title

Here’s a hint. If you’ve been dating someone for more than 3 months and they refuse to call you your girlfriend or boyfriend, then they’re simply not committed to you.

Nothing good can come from someone who doesn’t know what they want.

12) They like themselves more than they like you

If they hardly listen to you and prefer the sound of their own voice, you need to get out.

They don’t respect your opinions or advice, and they probably think that they’re God’s gift to humankind.

They’re not, and you deserve to be valued and respected.

13) They still mention their ex

Do not miss this giant red flag! If they constantly mention an ex-girlfriend or boyfriend, then they’re not over them and they won’t able to love you fully.

You deserve more than someone that is loving multiple people.

14) You’re not attracted to them

You’d think this one is obvious but it isn’t.

You can love spending time with someone so much and think they’re such a nice person that it would eventually work out. But it’s a risk. If that sexual attraction never comes, the sex becomes pretty tiresome and boring.

15) You’re not a priority in their life

You deserve someone that makes room for you in their life. You don’t have to consume their life, but you need to be a big part of it.

Regardless of the circumstance, if they’re finding it hard to squeeze you in more than once or a twice a week, it’s a clear warning sign that you’re not a priority.

If you’re willing to make room in your life, they should too.
