Home & Garden

How often should you wash your…bra, tea towels, pillows, tights? And more
10:41 2018-01-11

From washing bedding and towels to how often to wash bras and tights, we bring you the ultimate cleaning guide. What’s relaxed and harmless – and what actually might be damaging your health? How many are you getting right? Sheets The accepted norm, advised by health and hygiene experts, is two weeks. However if you …

12 of the Craziest Things Ever Found During Home Inspections
08:40 2018-01-11

EXPLODING SMOKE DETECTOR This story of a smoke detector turned out to be more of a smoke-effector, shares Jeff Miller, co-founder of AE Home Group, a team of local Maryland real estate agents who help buyers and sellers navigate the Baltimore real estate market. The previous owners of the house had moved out only one …

How often you should clean your sink revealed
06:43 2018-01-11

Sinks are some of the germiest places in our homes, and you’re probably not cleaning them nearly as much as you should. A hygiene expert has revealed that we should be giving our sinks a wipe down with disinfectant at least once a week. But if you’ve been handling raw meat or cleaning dirt off …

This is how often you should be changing your pillowcase
23:42 2018-01-10

We’ve already heard that, when it comes to changing your bed sheets, the optimum amount to do so is once a week. This keeps your sleeping area fresh, clean and free from bacteria. But is this the same for your pillowcases? According to Australian cleaning expert, Shannon Lush,pillowcases should be changed a lot more often. …

The 5 most common food hygiene mistakes at home
23:03 2018-01-10

You may think of yourself as a pretty clean and hygienic person – you wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap, take a daily shower and wear freshly laundered clothes. But there are some common mistakes people make in the home that are in fact surprisingly unhygienic – especially when it comes to food and the …