
14 changes to make in your 30s that will set you up for lifelong success
06:43 2018-03-06

Sam Walton founded Walmart at age 44; Julia Child published her first cookbook at 60. Your best years may be way ahead of you. It’ll depend a lot on how you spend the next decade or so — i.e. will you start saving or rack up credit-card debt? Wallow in self-pity or learn to be …

Want to Be a Great Leader? Be More of Who You Really Are, Not Less
05:12 2018-03-06

Want to be a better leader? Most people do. Yet leading — truly leading — is hard. And stressful. And intimidating. So if you want to be a better leader, where should you start? Don’t focus on the people you lead. First, focus on yourself. That’s the underlying premise of Kimberly Davis’s Brave Leadership: Unleash …

5 Rare Signs That Prove You Were Meant to Lead People
17:03 2018-03-05

The 5 Rare Signs of Great Leadership If you’ve been told you’re “leadership material,” it may be due to these principles. If not, this is the standard to shoot for, whether you’re looking to develop yourself as a leader or looking to hire people with the capacity to transform the workplace. Here’s my question: Which …

13 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence
01:04 2018-03-05

Wonder what emotional intelligence looks like in everyday life? Here are 13 examples. In 1995, psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman published a book introducing most of the world to the nascent concept of emotional intelligence. The idea–that an ability to understand and manage emotions greatly increases our chances of success–quickly took off, and it …

4 Steps to Successful Career Mapping
12:13 2018-03-01

If there’s one truth in life, it’s that you can’t map out everything. No matter how carefully you plan, you’ll find yourself on some detours. This is especially true when it comes to your professional journey. With so much unexpected—and, many times, unwanted—change, it can be tempting to toss out the road map and simply …
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