
Anxiety Could Help Improve Your Memory–As Long as It Remains in Small Doses, New Study Finds
18:07 2018-02-28

Anxiety disorder is very debilitating. But in small doses, it could be beneficial. A new study has shown that there is an optimum level of anxiety that could help us remember things better. However, if we are too anxious, the benefits diminish. For people with an anxiety disorder, everyday tasks can seem impossible. In its …

Want to Be Happier and More Successful This Week? Use These 2 Key Girl Scout Principles
17:42 2018-02-28

If you use the weekend correctly, you can effectively recharge yourself, develop an empowering mindset, and change your upcoming workweek in 60 minutes. Think of the weekends as the perfect opportunity to hit the refresh button on anything that went south during the last week. With that said, to get back on the positive side …

The 12 Life Rules Everyone Should Make for Themselves
17:06 2018-02-28

Thanks to the success of 12 Rules for Life, the much chattered about new book by controversy-stirring University of Toronto psychologist Jordan Peterson, life rules are having a bit of a moment. Inspired by Peterson, thinkers of all types are sharing their own handy lists of rules with more or less seriousness. But one intellectual …

Why You Need to Stop Looking for Silver Bullets to Solve Your Problems
00:06 2018-02-28

In Eric Ries bestselling book, The Startup Way, the Silicon Valley entrepreneur explains how he helped lead General Electric’s transformation from a stodgy industrial era dinosaur into a lean, entrepreneurial enterprise. Yet strangely, as Steve Blank points out in Harvard Business Review, the effort ended up with the ousting of GE’s CEO for underperformance. Why …

Are YOU suffering a career burn out? Psychologist details the five signs that reveal whether you are unknowingly struggling with the condition – which she likens to ‘mental illness’
20:03 2018-02-27

For most workers, stress is just a hazard of the job. But a psychologist is now shedding light on the difference between manageable job related stress and career burnout, likening the latter to a form of mental illness. Speaking to Popsugar, psychologist Dr Sherry Benton who is also the founder of online therapy service TAO Connect, shared …