Science & Enviroment

Could these headphones clean your ears better than a Q-tip? Start-up unveils wearable device that washes out wax in 35 seconds
18:03 2018-04-11

A company has created headphones that can clear wax out of a person’s ears in 35 seconds, replacing harmful cotton swabs and costly visits to the doctor. Seattle-based start-up SafKan developed a device that can clean both ears simultaneously in under a minute by injecting a mixture of hydrogen peroxide into the ear to loosen …

‘It was my mistake and I’m sorry.’ Mark Zuckerberg grovels in written statement to Congress before he is questioned about data-harvesting scandal
23:06 2018-04-09

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will testify that he’s ‘sorry’ and that his firm ‘didn’t do enough’ to protect the sites’ users from having their personal information compromised. The 33-year-old exec made the apology as he prepares to testify in blockbuster hearings on Tuesday and Wednesday about how millions of users had their data harvested by …

Security Experts Think You Should Cover The Camera On Your Phone And PC
07:03 2018-04-06

You’ve probably seen all the memes, heard all the conspiracy theories about Big Brother watching everything you do. You’ve also probably heard that they use the camera on your computer or cellphone to watch you. Unfortunately they’re all based in reality. According to security experts you really should start to cover your cameras when you’re …

Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal affected 87 MILLION people – 40M MORE than first thought
17:06 2018-04-05

Facebook’s misuse of personal information was far worse than initially thought. On Wednesday, Chief Technology Office Mike Schroepfer revealed the firm shared data of up to 87 million users with the political consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica – a dramatic increase from initial media estimates of roughly 50 million. Schroepfer shared the new figures in a …

Scientists Have Finally Pinpointed the Reason You HATE the Sound of Chewing
01:05 2018-04-05

Good news: If you hate the sound of heavy breathing or slurping soup, you’re not going crazy. It’s actually a sign that you’re super smart! Can’t stand loud breathing? Does the sound of someone smacking gum next to you make your blood boil? Turns out, you’re not alone—and there’s a genuinely scientific reason why. If …