Science & Enviroment

Genome study reveals history of human populations in Northern Europe
19:31 2018-01-31

The first Neolithic farmers and pastoralists didn’t arrive in Scandinavia until between 6,000 to 5,300 years ago. According to new genomic analysis, Scandinavia was settled by human populations migrating along both a northern and southern route. Scientists were able to trace historic waves of migration into Northern Europe by analyzing DNA samples collected from the …

Conservationists find three nests belonging to endangered red-headed vultures in Cambodia
19:02 2018-01-31

The discovery of three new red-headed vulture nests in Cambodia has offered conservationists hope that protection efforts are paying off. The red-headed vulture, Sarcogyps calvus, is one of three vulture species found in Cambodia that is listed as critically endangered by the International Union of Concerned Scientists. There are less than 50 individuals left in …

Amateur satellite-tracker finds NASA’s lost IMAGE spacecraft
18:35 2018-01-31

IMAGE was launched in 2000 and tasked with studying the Earth’s magnetosphere. The satellite’s signal unexpectedly went dead in 2005. Amateur astronomer Scott Tilley was trying to find Zuma, the top-secret spy satellite that reportedly failed to secure a stable orbit after it was launched earlier this year. Instead, he found IMAGE, a NASA spacecraft …

Handheld device sequences human genome
06:37 2018-01-31

Scientists have used a device that fits in the palm of the hand to sequence the human genome. They say the feat, detailed in the journal Nature Biotechnology, opens up exciting possibilities for using genetics in routine medicine. It is a far cry from the effort to sequence the first human genome which started in …

New dinosaur species found with most complete skeleton EVER proves official history WRONG
05:13 2018-01-31

The long-necked creature, called Mansourasaurus shahinae, strolled the plains of the continent about 80million years ago. Scientists from Mansoura University discovered its bones int he Sahara Desert in Egypt. Fossil fragments included parts of the mammoth beast’s skull, lower jaw, neck and back verterbrae, ribs, shoulders and more. But the true importance of the find …