Science & Enviroment

Scientists uncover eight million-year-old elephant-like fossil in Macedonia that ‘weighed 10 tons and lived for 50 years’
22:08 2018-05-04

Palaeontologists from Bulgaria and Macedonia are excavating the fossilised remains of a prehistoric elephant-like creature believed to pre-date the mammoth, after its bones were discovered accidentally by a man working in a field. Scientists at the Natural Science Museum of Macedonia and the Natural History Museum of Sofia, Bulgaria said they began excavating the skeleton …

Does Charging A Battery Overnight Kill The Long-Term Battery Life? Phone Myths That Need Debunking
01:08 2018-05-04

Getting the most out of your phone battery shouldn’t be complicated. With all of the recent news around iPhone and Samsung batteries, we got to wondering, what other myths and misunderstandings are floating around about smartphone batteries? Why batteries lose power over time In any battery, energy and power will play against each other: Increasing …

12 Incredible Facts That Even Teachers Are Not Aware Of
09:11 2018-05-03

In the era of the internet, anyone can find out a multitude facts about our world. Still, there are the facts that are hard to believe in. For example, that white bears are not white at all and that mushrooms are more animals than plants. We collected 12 true facts for you that you have …

Australia To Spend $500 Million To Restore And Protect The Great Barrier Reef
18:12 2018-05-01

The Government of Australia has announced a $500 million package to help deal with the problems facing the Great Barrier Reef. In recent years, the reef has lost 30% of its coral due to bleaching linked to rising sea temperatures and damage from crown-of-thorns starfish. The funding will go towards improving water quality, tackling the …

European Space Agency reveal best ever photo of Milky Way, showing 1.7 billion stars
04:06 2018-04-28

The European Space Agency (ESA) has crafted the most detailed 3D star map ever made of our galaxy, the Milky Way, including high-precision measurements of nearly 1.7 billion stars and previously undiscovered details. The information was collected and mapped on the ESA’s Gaia mission – a project deigned to chart a 3D map of the …
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