Science & Enviroment

Entering most black holes would kill you. This one gives you an infinite number of futures
09:04 2018-03-14

What’s inside a black hole? In most, there’s something called the singularity—an area of such density and intense gravitational force that not even light can escape. Don’t venture too close. Once you enter the event horizon—the outer rim—it’s all over for you. You’d be shredded to ribbons of atoms that’ll be sucked down into its …

10 Cell Phone Rules You Should Be Following—But Don’t
23:04 2018-03-13

Don’t be caught committing cellular sins! Follow our expert rules to avoid being rude and annoying on your smart phone. Put your phone away at the dinner table This may seem obvious because, hello, it’s rude, but being courteous in public to both your dining partner and other diners is important, says Amy Rice, Gadget …

15 Science Mysteries No One Has Figured Out
10:15 2018-03-13

“To know, is to know that you know nothing,” said Socrates, the famed ancient Greek philosopher. And while we know a LOT thanks to science, there’s still so much that we don’t know. These mysteries have stumped scientists throughout the ages—and will leave you scratching your head. How did the universe form? A few things …

Your smartphone could be dangerous for your brain
07:14 2018-03-13

Our phones are training our brains to be in a nearly constant state of stress and fear by establishing a stress-fear memory pathway, endocrinologist Robert Lustig told Business Insider. And such a state means that the prefrontal cortex, the part of our brains that normally deals with some of our highest-order cognitive functioning, goes completely haywire, …

Elon Musk says SpaceX’s Mars spaceships could fly ‘in the first half of next year’
00:15 2018-03-13

Musk said that should a third world war happen here on Earth, it would be crucial that humans could live on Mars. Elon Musk , CEO of SpaceX , has revealed the new timeline for test flights of the spaceships that could one day take humans to Mars. Speaking at the South by South West …
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