
Is this a UFO flying over LONDON?
05:13 2017-09-24

A confused father who was about to pick up a takeaway has revealed footage of what he believes is a UFO flying over London. Gary Lowe was in his Ford Mondeo through Dagenham, Greater London, when he noticed the object in the sky. The 38-year-old then pulled his car over and started to film the ‘glowing’ …

Women’s Hair Problems That Men Will Not Understand
12:01 2017-09-22

There is something so attractive about beautiful, healthy hair. Long locks and cute pixie cuts, natural curls and dreamy waves – there is something that fits perfectly for everyone. But beautiful hair also might mean problems. We want hair that we don’t have, but we’re afraid of changes and we spend huge amounts of money …

Mother of black and white twins admits she had to warn teachers that her daughters are related as they prepare to start secondary school
08:36 2017-09-04

Marcia and Millie Biggs, both 11, from Highgate, Birmingham, looked almost identical when they were first born in July 2006, but their amazing differences soon became apparent. As little Millie started to become darker-skinned, blue-eyed Marcia took on a lighter complexion, growing blonde, curly hair.   And mum Amanda, 46, has had to warn King Solomon …

11 words and phrases smart people never, ever use
02:15 2017-09-04

“You look tired!” You may be trying to be sympathetic, but pointing out that someone looks tired is just another way of saying “Wow, you look like crap!” Nobody wants to hear it, and saying it just makes you sound insensitive (and even flat-out rude). The same goes for “Did you lose weight?” Even if …

Yes, men and women grocery shop differently
07:51 2017-09-03

Studies have shown that men grocery shop just as much as women now, but the things they’re buying—and how much they’re willing to pay for them—is still pretty different. Throughout modern history, women have been the primary grocery shoppers of America. Today, however, the gender gap on aisle four has been closed. A recent study conducted as …
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