
Scientists reveal how much money it takes to be truly happy
12:03 2018-02-17

If you had to pick a dollar amount where people are happy with their income, what would it be? Don’t say “unlimited,” because research shows that’s actually not true. In Purdue University research using Gallup World Polls with controls for demographic factors, scientists studied 1.7 million people in 164 countries and came up with some …

15 Makeup Illusions That Left Us Questioning *Everything*
01:42 2018-02-13

Pablo Picasso had his paint brush. Charles Dickens had his pen and paper. And Ava DuVernay has her scripts. The creatives who have graced our world and who continue to create and imagine have been able to bring so much creativity and beauty into our world. Can you imagine what life would be like if …

This Adorable Rat Chef Will Help You Make Cookies!
01:06 2018-02-13

You’ve seen Ratatouille, but now meet Chef Fibbs. The successor to Marty Mouse, he wants to help you make cookies for your friends! Follow along with him and make your friends happy with yummy cookies to eat. First you hab to gather all your ingrediemts. Got eberyfing? Then get a bowl. Start adding the fings …

Norway’s Ski Team Made An Epic Parody Of ‘Gangnam Style’ For The 2018 Winter Olympics
12:24 2018-02-11

An Olympic ski team has made an epic parody of “Gangnam Style” for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games called, “PYEONGCHANGNAM STYLE.” Ladies and gentlemen, I present the Norwegian Olympic team. Source

16 Tweets You’ll Definitely Want To Look At If You’re Having A Shitty Week
08:34 2018-02-08

1 This pony working up the courage to jump this tiny step is everything. — Naomi Kyle (@NaomiKyle) January 24, 2018 2 Scariest dog I’ve ever seen 😬💀😂 — Jamie Underwood (@Jamieunderrwood) January 15, 2018 3 Shout out to #stubbysquid, you just keep being super chill and adorable ok — Rebecca Wilde …
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