
6 Things You Should Never Do Before Bed
23:03 2017-10-14

Sleep. We all need it, but we don’t all do it well. While most people equate good sleep with getting 8 consecutive hours, a University of California at San Diego paper on sleep research and aging reviewed date from 1.1 million people and determined that there is no statistical reason to sleep longer than 6 …

If You Don’t Eat This One Food, You Could Be More Likely to Go Bald
11:15 2017-10-14

Put away the wigs, the hair plugs, and the overpriced growth creams. Science may have a more natural solution to this cranial conundrum—without bidding a not-so-fond farewell to your follicles. According to a growing body of research, vegan or vegetarian diets might be speeding up the process of your hair loss. Dr. Hilary Jones, a …

8 Everyday Activities That Can Damage Your Spine
10:05 2017-10-14

The spine is literally the backbone of your body that keeps it together. It’s important that you take care of it at any age. Here is a list of everyday activities that, as it turns out, might harm your spine. 8. Brushing your teeth When we stand, the pressure on the spine is much higher …

5 Tips to Reset Your Internal Clock During Daylight Savings Time
09:01 2017-10-14

On the morning of November 5th, many of us will wake up feeling a little more chipper than usual. Turning the clock back to Standard Time brings that delicious extra hour of sleep we look forward to all year. In our sleep-deprived society, most of us cherish that hour of shut-eye like a gift from …

7 Reasons You’re Tired All The Time
05:06 2017-10-14

We all tend to blame being tired on a too-busy lifestyle. And much of the time we’re right. But if you feel tired all the time or your always asking yourself “why am I so tired?”, don’t blow it off. Give yourself about 2 to 3 weeks to make some lifestyle changes: Get more sleep, …