Weight Loss

Adding THIS to your diet is the secret to weight loss, scientists reveal
22:10 2017-10-06

Drinking tea is a pastime – but it could also be the key to weight loss. A new study has revealed that drinking english breakfast tea can promote weight loss and speed up your metabolism. Research published in the European Journal of Nutrition found that black tea can stimulate the production of good bacteria in …

These 2 Natural Products Will Help You Achieve the Perfect Weight in No Time
03:28 2017-10-06

Losing pounds is no easy task, and many of us tend to forget about absolutely essential food products that help us achieve our goal. Bright Side wants you to know about one such food. Include it in your diet plan to maintain your healthy weight. Nuts Although you’ve put a lot of effort into losing …

Nine foods guaranteed to make you lose weight
04:50 2017-10-03

If there is one trick that many experts will tell you when you’re looking to lose weight, it’s to not keep junk food in the house. The old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind” really rings true when it comes to dieting. Because if you don’t have that jar of peanut butter in the …

5 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting
09:03 2017-09-30

Maybe your button-down shirts are starting to feel a little too snug or you’re stressing out about putting on your bathing suit this weekend. Whatever your motivation, you’re convinced that it’s time to make a change — but the thought of overhauling your diet makes you cringe. While losing weight ultimately comes down to eating …

Eating dinner at THIS time is the key to weight loss
11:05 2017-09-23

When it comes to losing weight, we’re all on the hunt for anything that will make the process easier. But what if it was simply down to what time of day you eat? While science has previously revealed the time of day you should roughly eat each meal, a new study has revealed the specific …
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