
How long does passion last? Science says…
08:13 2018-03-02

Falling in love is nature’s greatest high. Movies convince us we’ll feel this way forever, but romance has an expiration date for everyone. Falling in love is perhaps nature’s greatest high. Just seeing your beloved can make your heart race, your legs weak and your face flushed. Touch him, and well… Movies try to convince …

10 Reasons Why Social Media Is RUINING Your Relationship
07:42 2018-03-02

DISTRACTS YOU FROM LIVING IN THE MOMENT These days, it’s easy to spend more time scrolling through Instagram than spending actual real-life time with your partner! It doesn’t do any good for your relationship… YOU CAN’T ESCAPE THE PAST Trying to get over your ex is almost impossible when you keep seeing their face pop …

The 7 Main Causes of Divorce
09:43 2018-03-01

Nobody, hopefully, enters into a marriage with a person thinking they are going to one day deal with a divorce. Even if there are problems in the relationship, a couple hope that after walking down the aisle, smooching hello to the promise of a life together, and getting down on the dance floor, their relationship …

Experts Say You Should Be Doing These 7 Things to Improve Your Marriage
11:42 2018-02-28

Whether or not you were just married or have been together for years, even the best of marriages can sometimes feel like they have hit a rut. You still love each other, maybe passionately, but life gets in the way, and you start connecting less than you did before. Here’s how to give that marriage …

How your ‘attachment style’ is impacting your relationships
06:41 2018-02-28

Attachment styles are something that many of us are blissfully unaware of, even though they dictate how we go about our relationships. Ever wondered why you act a certain way in every single relationship? And then keep making the same mistakes? It’s probably down to your attachment style, which can be linked back to your …