
Should You Be Wearing Underwear With Your Workout Leggings?
18:12 2018-04-30

This is about hygiene, not visible panty lines. We’re just going to come right out and ask: Should we be wearing underwear under our tights or leggings when working out? Some argue in favor of undies and others tout the benefits of going commando. Much of the debate focuses on whether skipping undergarments is unsanitary …

5 Ways to Stop Grinding Your Teeth (That Don’t Involve a Mouth Guard)
05:44 2018-04-30

One night last year, after a long day at a work conference, I got back to my hotel room to eat dinner and discovered, to my horror, that I couldn’t open my mouth. It just… wouldn’t open. Fortunately, this bizarre episode didn’t last long—the evening ended with me managing to painfully pry my jaw open …

Science Says This Is the Happiest Point In Your Marriage
03:12 2018-04-30

There’s a commonly held belief that the happiest time in your marriage is the months immediately following your wedding—you know, “the honeymoon period.” After that, of course, it’s all downhill. Right? Well, not so fast. A new study published in the journal Social Networks and the Life Course claims that’s not at all the case. …

5 Dating Mistakes That Keep You From Finding Your Soulmate
01:38 2018-04-30

“I’m running out of time. I’m 34 and single. If I meet a guy this year, we’ll date for a year, get engaged in the next, and married a year later. I’ll be 37 and I’m trying to have a baby,” Caitlyn said. This is the kind of math many 30-something single women do. Because …

10 Ways We Keep Our Marriage Strong After 10 Years
22:34 2018-04-29

My husband and I have been together for 13 years, and have been married for 10. We’ve had some amazing years filled with lots of laughter, life-changing adventures, and three children, and we’ve also had a handful of years filled with heartache and loss, which, I’ll be totally honest, almost broke us. But throughout our …
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