
7 Common Mistakes People Make In The Shower That May Ruin Their Skin And Hair
01:04 2018-05-05

Showering isn’t a very elaborate task. You simply get in and go through the motions the way you’ve been doing since childhood. But it turns out, it’s possible to do it the wrong way and inadvertently harm your skin. In fact, a lot of people make some mistakes when showering without even realizing it. Here …

6 Dangerous And Common Mistakes Women Make Regarding Underwear
00:06 2018-05-05

The type of underpants you wear and how you wear them may have more to do with your intimate health than you think. Actually, there are a few common mistakes many women make regarding underwear. Wearing the wrong underwear or not wearing it right can put you at risk of yeast infections, bacterial infections, and …

Having brown eyes makes you more likely to suffer from this common mood disorder
23:03 2018-05-04

They say your eyes are the window to your soul, but we never imagined that the colour of your peepers could tell you so much about your mental health… Until now, because new research has just revealed that those of us with brown eyes are much more likely to suffer from a common mood condition: …

Want to Know If Someone Is Trustworthy? Look for These 15 Signs
21:05 2018-05-04

Great relationships give live significantly more purpose, and in business, they translate to resources, advice and stability. Trust is at the heart of these connections. These 15 signs are dead giveaways that you’re dealing with a keeper. 1. They are consistent. A trustworthy person will use roughly the same behavior and language in any situation. …

13 Foods That Can Make Your Headaches Worse
10:14 2018-05-04

If you’re consistently suffering from headaches or are prone to migraines, the culprit could be in your kitchen. Here is a list of foods that may trigger headaches. Diet soda If you’re plagued with headaches, look at your diet soda intake. While the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) recently gave the go-ahead to consume aspartame …