
The daily habits that are ageing you around the eyes – and how you can fight the effects
23:22 2018-05-10

It’s a truth universally acknowledged by dermatologists that the skin around the eyes is the most delicate, and therefore one of the first areas on our face to betray signs of ageing. But there are daily habits that many of us are making that are speeding up the process, and contributing to premature crow’s feet …

5 things no one tells you about sex after pregnancy
20:07 2018-05-10

Having sex will probably be the last thing on your mind after giving birth. But when the chaos around having a baby starts to settle, you (and your partner) are going to want to start getting it on again. One minor hiccup? You’re going to notice some pretty significant changes to your body, especially if …

Psychologists Share 3 Stages of Boys’ Development Every Parent Should Know About
10:32 2018-05-10

Parenting is not an easy game to play, and it’s definitely more than just caring about what your kid eats and wears. Girls and boys both have very specific developmental processes. But boys need more attention. Psychologists and developmental specialists distinguish 3 main stages of boys’ development, which are very important to consider when bringing …

What Would Happen If You Didn’t Yell at Your Child for 2 Weeks?
09:29 2018-05-10

According to research, if you often raise your voice at a child, it will make him aggressive, withdrawn and insecure. And it doesn’t do much good for the parents either as the added daily stress worsens relationships in the family. Predictably, at some point in their lives, every adult asks the question, “Is it possible …

Eggs not linked to cardiovascular risk, despite conflicting advice
07:31 2018-05-10

University of Sydney researchers aim to help clear up conflicting dietary advice around egg consumption, as a new study finds eating up to 12 eggs per week for a year did not increase cardiovascular risk factors in people with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. As Medical Xpress reports, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition today, the research …
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