Love & Sex

9 Reasons Waiting to Be Intimate Can Actually Boost a New Relationship
23:14 2018-01-30

When the chemistry is undeniable, it might be difficult not to jump each other’s bones on the first date. And while there’s nothing wrong with having sex right off the bat, there are some major benefits to holding off, at least for a little while. We’re not suggesting you enforce abstinence until marriage (that’s completely …

What Happens To Your Body When You Like Someone, According To An Expert
18:36 2018-01-30

The first sign of liking someone is that you get nervous around them. Sweaty palms, stomach butterflies fluttering so fast you don’t want to eat, an increased heartbeat, and yes, even anxiety, are all signs that you have feelings for someone. But how can you tell whether these physical sensations are springing from a wellspring …

Is it ‘pathetic’ to cry during sex? People reveal why they sob in the sack
18:04 2018-01-30

Apparently, it’s fairly common for both men and women to shed a tear during or after a romp. Whether it’s down to the post-sex blues, or becoming overwhelmed by pleasure, crying in the bedroom can confuse couples. A revealing Reddit thread revealed why intimate crying can be so baffling. Some commenters confessed that they would …

9 Mistakes That Will End Up Costing You In Divorce Court
10:35 2018-01-30

Divorce attorneys share their tricks of the trade. Want to win your divorce ― or at least come out financially secure? Take it from divorce attorneys and don’t make any of these common mistakes that almost always end up costing people who decide to litigate. 1. Going to court without a lawyer. “This is the …

Why women feel sexier if they wear socks in bed
03:16 2018-01-30

Ever felt inexplicably attracted to a man with a large nose? Or been driven to distraction by the smell of a special someone? Or even wondered why your husband bears a passing resemblance to your brother? At last, scientists are getting to grips with a conundrum: the factors that govern women’s feelings of sexual attraction. …
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