Family & Kids

Birth Control for Men? Researchers Will Test a Hormone Gel in 2018
04:15 2017-12-26

A new kind of male birth control may be on the horizon. The largest clinical trial to date on hormonal male contraception is slated to begin in the first half of 2018, and aims to enroll more than 400 couples in six countries around the world. Men will rub a gel containing synthetic hormones into …

Adorable Shiba Inu who can’t tear himself away from his adorable baby owner rocks him to sleep in heartwarming video
04:07 2017-12-24

If there’s one thing a new parent wants, it’s another pair of hands to help out with the child care. For one family in Hong Kong it wasn’t a new pair of hands they got but a new set of paws. Chiko the one-year-old Shiba Inu was caught on camera rocking his human baby brother …

Children who eat fish just once a week have higher IQs and sleep better
00:14 2017-12-24

Children who eat fish just once a week have higher IQs and sleep better, new research reveals. Consuming seafood at least once every seven days improves youngsters’ IQ scores by 4.8 points compared to those who never eat it, a study found today. As The Daily Mail reports, frequently eating fish also makes children less …

A relationship therapist breaks down the 10 most common fights couples have
17:06 2017-12-23

When I asked Rachel Sussman, a a relationship expert and marriage counselor in New York City, about the most common fights couples have, she started mentioning things like chores and social media. I was skeptical. These issues seemed relatively trivial, especially compared to infidelity or a clash in parenting styles. But Sussman explained that the …

6 tips to get children to sleep on Christmas Eve
02:02 2017-12-23

Christmas is nearly here. Lots of fun, food and family time but also a lot less sleep than usual for both adults and children. Christmas Eve is especially magical for little ones, but sometimes the excitement can be too much and so bedtime can actually become a little stressful. Warren Evans bed makers and their …