
5 Simple And Effective Exercises To Make Your Face And Neck More Well-Toned
23:05 2018-05-03

Do you want to get a slimmer face and neck? As is the case with other areas of your body, losing fat from your neck and face requires a comprehensive approach which has to include both regular exercise and a heathier diet. It may take months to get the desired result, but don’t get discouraged! …

4 solutions to delay premature graying of your hair
08:16 2018-05-03

While most of us start to experience noticeable graying as they near middle age, some people are panic-stricken as they start seeing more white strands in the mirror as early as their 20s. But this supposedly “dreaded” sign of aging has evolved and rebranded itself, turning into a widespread trend in recent years. Younger people, …

14 Bizarre Cosmetic Procedures Celebrities Go Through to Look So Chic
10:35 2018-05-01

Stars have always been role models. After all, on the screen they all look incredibly well-groomed. It seems that this can be achieved only with expensive cosmetics and constant complicated procedures. But it turns out that in order to look so amazing, celebrities choose methods which may even make you shiver. We found some of …

Can Losing Weight Cause Your Hair To Fall Out?
20:07 2018-04-28

Cue the celebration emoji—the scale is moving in the direction you want it to! But…then you start to notice that your hair is falling out. Like, a lot of it. WTH? Before you panic and assume you’re going bald, know this: What you’re going through is completely normal. “We know that, clinically and anecdotally, hair …

5 Things That Are Sabotaging Your Skin Without You Even Knowing It
19:09 2018-04-28

Thoughts to keep you up at night: Totally innocent, normal things you do on the daily can secretly mess up your complexion. Eek! Thankfully, Sonia Batra, M.D., dermatologist on The Doctors and Francesca Fusco, M.D., dermatologist and professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, have got the fixes so you can go …
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