Fast & Easy

The Biggest Mistake You Can Make When Cooking Pasta
01:33 2018-01-15

To a hungry cook in a hurry, no quick-and-easy meal is quite like plain, old pasta. Toss together some noodles and sauce, and voila! Dinner is served. There’s just one problem: Most of us don’t have the patience (or time) to wait for the pot to boil. But if you think you can save a …

This is the Secret to Making Bakery-Worthy Bread at Home
21:35 2018-01-14

Baking bread might seem intimidating, especially if you’re a novice baker. But it’s not as hard as you might think—and making a loaf of homemade yeast bread is one of the most cozy and satisfying ways to spend a cold winter day. If you’re in the mood to knead some dough, there is one rule …

This is how to make the perfect bacon sandwich
21:43 2018-01-10

Whether you’re nursing a sore head after one too many G&Ts or just enjoying a weekend treat, nothing quite beats a classic bacon sandwich. And it’s also safe to say that most us have a pretty fixed view of what exactly constitutes the perfect bacon butty. So, some of you may be shocked to hear …

How to Make the Perfect Banana Bread
06:39 2018-01-09

Nothing beats a warm slice of banana bread with butter. And yes, sometimes bread from the box is the way to go. But we believe that with proper guidance you can finally make quick and easy banana bread of your own — entirely from scratch. Watch this video to learn how make banana bread that …

The Easiest Way To Dice A Tomato Without Making A Giant Mess
02:12 2018-01-07

Tomatoes are a staple in practically every cuisine. They’re the base of marinara sauces, many curries, salsas, and more. They bring the T to a BLT sandwich. And the fruit is packed with nutritional benefits, such as vitamin A, C, and K, and even antioxidants. But when faced with them in your kitchen, you might …