
6 quotes from Davos on the future of education
18:43 2018-02-06

The future of work is going to look very different, as automation and Artificial Intelligence make many manual, repetitive jobs obsolete. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, robots could replace 800 million jobs by 2030, while the World Economic Forum suggests a “skills revolution” could open up a raft of new opportunities. “If we do …

15 Daily Habits That Are Killing Your Confidence
19:36 2018-02-05

We often think of confidence as something innate: You’re either born with it, destined to walk through the world with big steps and chest puffed out, or to be a wallflower who avoids the spotlight and lacks a sense of self-worth. But while there is plenty about our personality and outlook on life that is …

‘You’re fired :)’ How using emojis at work can take the sting out of getting sacked and WON’T make you look less professional
20:35 2018-02-04

Despite being the preferred form of communication for teens, the emoji has not yet made its way into the work place. That might soon change as new research reveals inserting emojis into emails when delivering bad news can soften the blow. Smileys, thumbs up and the ubiquitous love heart could help workplace communication, a study …

Your February Action Plan: 10 Ways to Exercise Self-Worth
19:22 2018-02-03

Caring for yourself translates to caring for others, which translates to powerful inspiration. Your Action Plan is a monthly to-do list of tips straight from SUCCESS magazine—10 things you can do right now to improve yourself and your life. Did you know that caring for yourself makes you more attentive to others, creating upward spirals …

11 Ways to Finally Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
22:12 2018-02-02

When you’re already feeling unsure of yourself it seems like everyone has nicer hair, smarter kids, fancier vacations, cleaner homes, and cuter pets. And even if you do come out “on top” by comparison, you’ve subtly reinforced to your brain the importance of things like looks and material objects, making it so you’ll feel even …