
8 Conventional Life Rules Successful People Break All the Time
20:12 2018-02-14

RULE TO BREAK: BECOME A GREAT MULTITASKER The myth of multitasking for efficiency has been busted. However, it still has a powerful hold over us, especially with smart phones and other technologies that allow our brains to distract us. According to Gary Keller, author of The One Thing, multitasking leads to more mistakes due to …

7 Toxic Thoughts You Need to Stop Now (If You Want to Succeed)
19:10 2018-02-14

Are you the kind of person who overthinks and overanalyzes everything so much that you end up working less effectively than you’d like? The good news is you’re not alone. It’s a trait shared by many, many people–particularly those in leadership. The bad news: it needs to stop, because it’s causing you to be less …

14 Little Ways to Instantly Turn a Bad Mood Around
22:14 2018-02-13

Many herbs bear subtly beautiful flowers that lend a loose, unstudied air to arrangements. With flavourful leaves and gorgeous flowers, these plants provide a feast for the eyes. Fake yourself out Literally turn that frown upside down: The act of smiling, even if you’re totally faking, can make you feel happier, psychologist Edward J. Cumella, …

How to Recover From Being ‘Professionally Ghosted’
17:37 2018-02-12

You’ve been talking for weeks. Things were going great. They sounded interested, and you could sense the mutual excitement. Then the unexpected occurs. Silence. You send a follow-up. No reply. Then another. You hear crickets chirp in your inbox as you breathe a sigh of frustration. This is what it feels like to be professionally …

10 things we should all do every day to keep our brains sharp
04:20 2018-02-12

As we get older, it’s easy for our brains to get rusty. That’s why we want to know how to keep them healthy and functioning at their best capacity. So, we asked SharpBrains – an independent market research firm tracking applied brain science – to share some top tips for keeping our minds sharp and …