
15 Traits of Unabashedly Successful Women
03:14 2018-03-13

Every week for the past year I’ve interviewed a successful woman: scientists, athletes, a rabbi, activists, an astronaut, authors and entrepreneurs. Each woman has a story; each one is different. But perhaps unsurprisingly, there are traits and characteristics that they have in common. It’s fascinating to learn from them, and now I get to share …

8 Easy Workspace Fixes to Improve Productivity, Mood, Creativity, and Health
17:38 2018-03-08

Yesterday I walked into my home office and examined the space from a fresh perspective. It hasn’t had a facelift in about ten years and I’ve hardly noticed its dingy appearance. Don’t get me wrong, I love my office but it’s simply out of date and no longer reflects my personality. It’s time for a …

Why you should give your brain a spring-clean
05:15 2018-03-08

As a change in the seasons draws nearer, now is the perfect time of year to consider a spring-clean. You are likely to get a lot of satisfaction from decluttering your life – whether it be sifting through your wardrobe, throwing away old papers and magazines, or just having a general tidy-up in your home. …

6 Highly Productive Morning Routines That Don’t Require Getting Up Insanely Early
17:06 2018-03-07

Early mornings are often touted as the key to success–getting up at the crack of dawn is a daily habit you must cultivate to get more out of your day and maximize productivity. Yet, despite our best intentions to rise early without a groan, many of us continue to reach for the snooze alarm–only to …

How to Climb Out of a Creative Rut
05:16 2018-03-07

Creative block can be causing a hitch in your step or have you at a dead stop. You might be limping along on one particular project or feeling lead-footed in general. However it hits, it can be frustrating Sometimes what your brain needs most when it’s in the creative doldrums is a change of scenery. …