
Do These 7 Things on Jan. 1 to Ease Your Anxiety For the Rest of the Year
18:43 2017-12-27

New Year’s Day 2018 is rapidly approaching, and once the celebrations have come to a close, the holiday can bring up a variety of mixed emotions for many people. Those of us who are prone to anxiety often experience fears and worries about what lies ahead in the new year, or we look back on …

6 ways to get your career back on track in 2018
05:38 2017-12-27

Whether you hit a career slump this year or, worse yet, got demoted, there’s no reason to think you can’t quickly turn things around. With a new year right around the corner, now’s the perfect time to map out a strategy for revitalizing your career. 1. TAKE INITIATIVE If your career hasn’t been progressing the …

The Right and Wrong Way to Apologize and Why It Matters
18:35 2017-12-26

These past few weeks, we have seen what feels like an unusually high number of people faced with accusations of wrongdoing, sexual misconduct and unethical behavior. For most of them, the first response is one of denial and disputation. But as evidence and corroboration emerge, that strategy becomes harder to maintain. That’s when most people …

13 Things Mentally Strong Leaders Don’t Do
18:06 2017-12-26

My fifteen years as a psychotherapist taught me about mental strength and the resilience of the human spirit. I saw countless people bounce back from overwhelming adversity and beat the odds. One of the biggest lessons I learned about mentally strong people was that their resilience had less to do with what they did and …

5 Ways to Help Introverts Become Confident Leaders
17:34 2017-12-26

Introverts in the workplace are often misunderstood. They can come across as shy, withdrawn or even lacking empathy. The fact is they make exceptional members of a team — and can be good leaders if you take the time and effort to understand their mindset. In Susan Cain’s bestselling book, Quiet, she outlines the abundant …