
Michelle Obama’s life lessons to live by
17:03 2018-01-18

Former First Lady’s wisest of words. 1. ‘When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high.’ 2. ‘The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued.’ 3. ‘Every day, …

8 Expert-Backed Secrets to Succeed in Your Job
06:04 2018-01-18

Allow yourself to fail Failure has a bad connotation, but it can actually be your path to success. Forcing yourself to get out of your comfort zone will help you develop new skills and encourage you to take more risks, says Chanie Wilschanski, early childhood leadership coach and founder of DiscoverED Consulting. “You slowly start …

New Study Gets to the Truth of “Money Buying Happiness”
05:16 2018-01-18

While it’s true that money can’t buy happiness, having money has certain benefits. For example, money can buy you time to do things that make you happier, and giving away some of your money can make you happier as well. Now scientists from the University of California at Irvine have found that how much money …

Two heads really ARE better than one: We get fewer things wrong when we consult others, confirm scientists
04:06 2018-01-17

When it comes to making a decision, or solving a puzzle, two heads really may be better than one. A study has found the wisdom of crowds does exist, with a group of five people better able to answer questions than an individual. The theory was tested with questions such as the height of the …

How to feel better about everything TODAY in 10 simple steps – and stop yourself spiraling into anxiety on ‘Blue Monday’
04:06 2018-01-16

Even the man who coined the term Blue Monday, Dr Cliff Arnall, says he never intended to make the day sound negative and was simply encouraging us to make positive change. So why make it depressing? Instead, devote the day to making yourself feel better about almost everything. In the US, this year’s Blue Monday …