
Happiness Is All About Perspective
21:28 2018-04-07

People are usually as happy as they make their minds up to be. This maxim, often referenced by famed UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, is a reminder that the attitude we assume when faced with disappointment is truly up to us. The influence of his father helped Coach Wooden develop a mental approach that responded …

5 Habits That Will Make You a Better Leader
20:25 2018-04-07

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” –Aristotle The difference between good leaders and great leaders is the habits they master. Here are some behaviors you can develop to become a better leader: Habit #1: Manage your time. The Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness (CMOE) found …

10 Signs You’re Living on Autopilot
19:23 2018-04-07

Do you feel lifeless, or maybe bored? Kind of like you’re merely existing instead of really living? Ever had to tell someone the date, causing you to look back and reflect on where the days, weeks, months or years went? This lack of lust for life may stem from living on autopilot—making unconscious, automatic decisions …

14 Useful Websites That Will Increase Your Intelligence Level
02:04 2018-04-07

We often waste our free time scrolling through social networks, chatting with friends, or posting another pic on Instagram. But here is something more useful. Today we invite you to look through our list of sites that can help increase our mental skills. Let’s bring something new into our lives! 1 – Free Rice This …

8 Signs You Have A Strong Personality That Might Scare Some People
06:03 2018-04-05

When people encounter someone with a strong personality, they don’t understand the kind of person they are dealing with. Some people think you dominate. Some just think you are rude. But none of these are the truth. These words actually do not reflect your personality at all. In fact, strong people are often kittens on …