Motivational Quotes

The Stoic Art of Journaling
00:14 2017-11-16

Epictetus the slave. Marcus Aurelius the emperor. Seneca the power broker and playwright. These three radically different men led radically different lives, but they seemed to have one habit in common: journaling. In one form or another, each of them did it. It was Epictetus who would admonish his students that philosophy was something they …

5 Ridiculously Easy Things You Can Do Every Day to Feel Happy
08:10 2017-11-11

Can you see it? You live on a tropical island. You get up when you like and you do what you want. Some guy named Jeeves brings breakfast. From a reclined position on your balcony, all you can see is the ocean and your feet. Ah, the life of the young and retired. We all …

5 Ways to Be Better Than ‘Just Good’
07:37 2017-11-08

Q: I think I am great at my job, but I’m not in the top 1 percent of performers at my company. How can I refine my skills to become one of the best? A: You sound like the type of person who hopes to perform at a peak level, who wants to get the …

Ten Tips On How To Boost Self-Confidence
06:01 2017-11-08

One of the major things which pull back a person before he/she thinks of doing something big is low self-confidence. Despite having the skills and talent in them to achieve heights, they are unsuccessful due to their confidence issues. The fear of becoming a joke in front of 20 people stops us from doing a …

7 Clues You’re Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Strengths
04:07 2017-11-01

It starts with self-awareness. One of the most effective ways to take this journey to a more integrated, authentic understanding of ourselves is to explore our personal belief systems. Few psychological dynamics are as fundamental as our beliefs. Beliefs literally create our reality; they are the lenses or filters through which we interpret the world. …
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