
The habits that’ll help you be more active during the workday
10:45 2017-08-17

How do you move your body on a daily basis? Do you have room to add more activity in your day? Life can be a balancing act. When things get busy, regular exercise sometimes has a way of ending up on bottom of the priority list. Having some quick ideas to add more movement in …

How much sleep 15 successful people get
05:07 2017-08-17

This article originally appeared on businessinsider.com. We all need sleep. But that doesn’t mean we all require the same amount of shut eye every night. Everyone is different when it comes to how much sleep they need, reports INSIDER’s Sarah Schmalbruch. Generally speaking, 7.5 hours a night is a pretty average number. However, many famous individuals tend to …

5 ways smart people Influence themselves
10:08 2017-08-16

This article originally appeared on leadershiptraq.com Leadership is about influence. The most important person to influence is yourself. Because that’s true, the question is, How can we best influence ourselves? Here are five ways the smartest people do this. 1. Make peace with the uncontrollable. Figure out the things you can change, and then change them. If you can’t …

6 smart questions you’re probably forgetting to ask in a job interview
02:42 2017-08-16

This article originally appeared on businessinsider.com It’s crucial to ask questions during job interviews. If you shrug and tell the hiring manager that you don’t have any questions at the end of your conversation, they’re bound to think that you’re just not that interested. That being said, you can’t just throw out any random query that floats to the top of your …

7 old-fashioned manners today’s parents should still teach their kids
03:18 2017-08-15

This article originally appeared on businessinsider.com. We asked Pachter and Daniel Post Senning, the author of “Manners in a Digital World” and the great-great-grandson of Emily Post, to tell us about the seemingly old-fashioned manners that today’s parents might be forgetting about. Don’t feel ashamed if you haven’t made these a priority for your kids — by …