
6 Common Mistakes Even the Most Professional People Make at Networking Events
10:31 2018-02-18

You have limited time to make an impression at networking events. It is your job to maximize that time. If you have attended a tech event or any event in which people are networking, you have most definitely encountered some of these mistakes, you may even be guilty of a few of them. 1. Talking …

Are You a Toxic Coworker?
18:41 2018-02-14

The toxic coworker: the one we all try to avoid, the one who wreaks havoc on the team and makes the work environment stressful and uncomfortable. No one enjoys working with this person. But — and here’s a not-so-crazy question — what if that person were actually you? And this leads to the next question: …

7 Ways to Deal with a Toxic Narcissist at Work
19:46 2018-02-07

IGNORE THEIR ACTIONS Fran Walfish, PsyD, a Beverly Hills-based family and relationship psychotherapist and author, says one effective way to handle bragging and credit-stealing coworkers is to ignore them. ‘Any engagement is an invitation for a power-struggle, battle, and declaration of war,’ she says. Instead, focus on your own work and keep your distance. RECOGNIZE …

The 10 Best Sites to Find Gig Jobs
08:32 2018-02-05

More and more employees are turning to gig work, either in addition to a full-time job, or as their primary career. A gig is a temporary position, and is often part-time. Gig jobs are particularly common in IT and creative industries, but are found in nearly every industry. People might do one gig at a …

‘You’re fired :)’ How using emojis at work can take the sting out of getting sacked and WON’T make you look less professional
20:35 2018-02-04

Despite being the preferred form of communication for teens, the emoji has not yet made its way into the work place. That might soon change as new research reveals inserting emojis into emails when delivering bad news can soften the blow. Smileys, thumbs up and the ubiquitous love heart could help workplace communication, a study …