
10 Thoughts Literally Everyone Has While Applying To Jobs
08:20 2018-04-29

1. This is going to be easy! I mean, my friend’s sister’s cousin’s dog-walker was job-hunting for just two weeks and got three full-time job offers. Companies were practically recruiting her! I’m well-qualified, too, and I’m awesome! HR will love me. This shouldn’t take long… 2. Wait, I need to send them what? Why does …

9 Jobs For People Who Hate Small Talk
19:08 2018-04-25

If you’re more of an introvert than an extrovert, or if small talk just drives you nuts, then jobs involving a lot of office chit-chat might not be right for you. There are plenty of positions that allow you to work more independently; these jobs ensure that the majority of co-worker interactions you have are …

How to Set Career Goals You’ll Actually Achieve
07:12 2018-04-20

You work hard but you’re not getting ahead in your job. You’re not making as much as you feel like you deserve. Or maybe you just feel stuck. Does this sound like you? If so, you’re likely wondering what’s going to help you achieve the career and financial success you want. The answer is goals. …

Fifteen sentences your interviewer does not want to hear
17:05 2018-04-19

‘Employers want to hire someone who comes with no baggage. Much like a relationship, when first meeting someone, you try and identify red flags’ It’s not hard to flub an interview. The nerves that come with sitting across from a hiring manager and opening yourself up for judgment sometimes cause you say the wrong thing …

Here’s Why Working On Higher Office Floors Affects Your Decision-making
07:07 2018-04-19

Anyone who’s ever been in a corporate building knows that the CEOs always reside at the very top. It turns out, that’s not just for symbolic purposes, or so they can enjoy the city skyline and purvey their kingdom. According to a new study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, people at higher elevations …