How to flush kidney stones naturally? Lemon juice and 7 other simple home remedies
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21:06 2018-05-03

Kidney stones can cause a great deal of discomfort and urinary symptoms (such as frequent urge to pee and pain when peeing) that interfere with your normal daily activities.

There are several treatments to remove large kidney stones, including lithotripsy and surgery. But for smaller stones which can pass through the urinary tract, your doctor may recommend simpler treatments, such as taking over-the-counter painkillers and drinking more water.

There are also a few home remedies which you can use to help your body pass kidney stones, but you should consult your doctor before using them.

8 home remedies for kidney stones

In addition to drinking a few more glasses of water a day than you usually do, you can try these simple home remedies to aid passing kidney stones:

1. Lemon water or lemon juice

Not only does lemon juice (or lemon water, if you prefer) adds to your daily fluid intake, but it can also help break down small kidney stones and lower your risk of forming new ones. Citric acid found in lemons is a key substance which has a remedial effect on your kidneys.

2. Coconut water

Coconut water contains potassium, which can aid kidney stones breakdown. The fluid itself can help flush the stones out. Simply drink a few glasses of coconut water daily until your condition improves.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains citric acid, a substance which facilitates kidney stones breakdown. Simply add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of water and drink this solution daily. Don’t drink more than one glass of water with vinegar per day.

4. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranates and pomegranate juice are good for your kidney health in general, and they can also help get rid of stones. The juice also makes your urine less acidic, and that lowers your risk of developing kidney stones again. Drink a few glasses of pure 100% pomegranate juice daily until you feel better.

5. Watermelon

Watermelon is known for its ability to make people urinate more, but that can help flush your kidney stones out of the system. Eating watermelon or drinking watermelon juice with 1/4 tsp. of coriander powder will help the stones pass.

6. Dandelion root

This remedy may be more unconventional than other ones on this list. Dandelion root can help your liver make bile, which can increase urine output and aid digestion. Drink one or two cups of dandelion root tea daily until you feel better.

7. Kidney beans

Kidney beans are beneficial for your kidneys, even if you don’t have kidney stones. To help your body rid itself of kidney stones, drink several glasses of kidney bean broth over the day.

8. Basil juice

Acetic acid found in basil can speed up kidney stones breakdown and help them pass. Take fresh or dry basil leaves and make infusions to drink daily until the stones pass and symptoms subside.

Home remedies are not enough if your kidney stone problem is severe. Call your doctor if you have the following symptoms:
severe pain;
blood in urine;
nausea and vomiting.
With the right treatment coordinated by your healthcare provider, you’ll be able to get rid of kidney stones and avoid getting them again.
