9 Healthy Properties of Coffee Proven by Science
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06:09 2018-04-25

Lately, there have been a lot of controversial rumors about our beloved morning beverage. But you probably will agree that there’s nothing better than taking a scientific approach to resolving disputes like this one. Scientists state that drinking coffee in moderation not only is harmless, but it also might have a positive influence on your health. For example, coffee lovers often look younger than their peers and are less exposed to certain cardiovascular system diseases.

We want to share a list of healthy properties of coffee with you that might shift the scales to those in favor of drinking it regularly.

1. It reduces the risk of liver cirrhosis.

The scientists from The Mario Negri Institute in Italy found out that the consumption of coffee can reduce the risk of developing liver cirrhosis by up to 50%.

2. It decreases your chances of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Scientists from the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center based in Tampa, FL conducted a study to ascertain the impact of coffee drinking on the development of Alzheimer’s. The findings of the study showed that drinking three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of the disease’s development by up to 65%.

The researchers from The Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil said that drinking coffee on a regular basis can work as a preventative solution to Parkinson’s disease. Your risk of developing such a disease reduces by 20%.

3. It reduces the risk of cancerous diseases.
Numerous studies done over the past decades prove that coffee has a mostly negative influence on our health. It has also been mentioned that it could lead to the development of cancerous diseases. However, this assumption did not prove accurate in recent years.

The research conducted by the Department of Clinical Studies for Health at the University of Milan and the Department of Epidemiology of Mario Negri Institute has proven that coffee consumption actually reduces the risk of the development of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

4. It positively affects the cardiovascular system.

Another pervasive misperception about coffee has to do with its impact on one’s cardiovascular system. In fact, several studies conducted by scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health, The National University of Singapore, and Brigham’s Women’s Hospital, showed that people who drink 3-5 cups of coffee a day are three times less likely to suffer from a heart condition than those who drink other beverages.

The study also points out that there’s no great difference between drinking 1 cup or 3 cups of coffee since such a small amount won’t have any negative influence on the work of the cardiovascular system.

5. It reduces the development of joint diseases and gallstones.

Gout is caused by a poor metabolic state and results in a piling up of various components in body tissue. But due to the fact that coffee improves metabolism, the consumption of it can actually prevent gout. This fact was proven by scientists from both Harvard Medical School and Brigham’s Women’s Hospital.

Some substances found in coffee, like caffeine, can reduce your risk of developing gallbladder stones. Scott Gottlieb found out that the risk of developing this disease could be reduced by 4% if you drink 4 cups of coffee a day, and down by 45% if you drink 5 cups.

6. It lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The Danish scientists from the University of Aarhus, Aarhus University Hospital, and Odense University Hospital proved that drinking coffee doesn’t affect the development of Type-2 diabetes. Cafestol, which is an ingredient in coffee, actually increases the level of insulin in the pancreas when the latter is exposed to the influence of glucose. That’s why drinking coffee can save you from type 2 diabetes.

7. It rejuvenates every cell in your body.

Antioxidants contained in coffee have a rejuvenating impact on your body’s cells. The scientists from Ewha Women’s University in Seoul claim that coffee extract can help you to eliminate small wrinkles, and it prevents fluid loss and collagen loss from your body. You can make it at home using soluble coffee, sugar, and water. That’s why people who drink coffee on a regular basis look younger than other people of their age.

8. It increases muscle strength among the elderly.
As we mentioned above, there are many reasons why drinking coffee in old age is a good idea. Plus, the scientists from Coventry University found that caffeine contributes to increased muscle strength among the elderly. This can help them prevent accidental falls and injuries.

9. It helps you live longer.

Marc J. Gunter and Neil Murphy say that coffee can lower your risk of death for different reasons. The study was conducted in different countries and the result was similar in the sense that the mortality rate was lower among people who drank coffee regularly. Scientists also pointed out that even smokers could benefit from drinking coffee since smoking doesn’t change that effect.
