8 Simple Exercises Bloggers Do to Have Beautiful Rear Ends
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12:06 2018-04-06

The internet gives you around 4 million search results if you type in “exercises for glutes.” The trend of making this part of the body look beautiful is still very much alive and fitness bloggers hype it by showing their subscribers new ways of exercising this body part.

We have collected the most popular exercises from bloggers which will help shape the most attractive part of the female body. Maybe, you’ve never heard of these exercises.

1. Reverse hyperextension

Advantage: the goal of reverse hyperextension is working out the muscles of the buttocks and the back side of the hips.

Technique: this exercise can be done on any surface that you can place your belly on and put your legs down, like a bench, and your abs should be the support point. You should hold the sides of the bench tightly to support the position of your body.

The starting position — legs together or slightly apart, should be lifted and knees bent. When you exhale, you should lift your legs up as much as you can. In this position, your body feels parallel to the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. During the entire exercise, make sure that you feel the tension in the buttocks and hips.

How many: 3–4 sets, 12–15 reps.

Arina Skoromnaya shows the technique of this exercise on her Instagram page. The technique with the legs bent in knees can put an additional accent on the buttocks. You can use your own weight or get some more.

2. Bulgarian split squats

Advantage: Because of the big amplitude of movement, this exercise is very effective for the buttocks.

Technique: You can use support points like a bench, a chair, or a couch. Turn your back to the support point and make a big step forward with one leg. Place the upper part of your other leg on the support point. Your hands should be either on your waist or if you’re holding additional weight, they should be along the body.

The position we just described is initial. Keep the body balanced, and squat on one leg so that the hip is parallel to the floor. After you put the knee as low as you can, return to the initial position.

How many: 3–4 sets, 10–15 reps for each leg.

ju_letta is a fitness blogger who has just started her career. On her page, you can find the description of the ideal technique of this exercise. Despite the fact that the exercise seems easy, the Bulgarian split squat is a hard thing to do because you need to have very good coordination. There are many things that you should take into account and be careful when doing it.

Выпады . Какое фото тебе нравится больше? 😊 1 или 2?😉 . Недавно меня сразу несколько человек спросили про выпады. Многие знают, что это одно из самых эффективных упражнений на 🌰Их ведь СТОЛЬКО! Чем они все вообще отличаются? И какие из них самые-самые? . Напишу в порядке возрастания сложности: 🌰 Статические выпады в Смитте Это по сути приседания на одной ноге. Одна нога спереди, вторая сзади, штанга на плечах. По мне, этот вид выпадов самый простой, так как положение довольно устойчивое, стабилизация не требуется. . 🌰 Выпады в шаге в Смитте Я больше люблю шагать назад, чем вперед. Ну и меньший риск для коленей. . 🌰 Выпады скрестные или "реверанс" Лучше растягивают ягодичные, чем обычные выпады. Но есть риск появления боли в коленном суставе, при неверной технике (выворот стопы). А еще многие отводят таз вбок, что вредно для позвоночника. . 🌰 Болгарские выпады Задняя нога стоит на возвышении из-за этого очень сложно удерживать равновесие. Зато можно хорошо растянуть ягодицы. Для меня самое удобное положение – как можно более вертикальный корпус и упор на пятку. . 🌰 Выпады с платформы Сложность упражнения зависит от высоты платформы. Новичкам в этом упражнении я бы рекомендовала начать с 2 степов, далее можно увеличивать высоту. Но следите, чтобы подъем происходил именно за счет силы ягодиц, а не толчка задней ноги. . 🌰 Выпады в движении Для меня это самая жесть. Уже на восьмом повторении мои ноги свинцовые. Для выполнения нужна большая выносливость, упражнение крутое, но энергозатратное. . Не забываем, что колено должно опускаться максимально низко, но НИ В КОЕМ СЛУЧАЕ не ударять коленом об пол. Разгибание коленного и тазобедренного сустава происходит одновременно. . Любишь выпады? 😈 какие чаще делаешь? я люблю и ненавижу одновременно 😆 Последнее время чаще всего с платформы.

A post shared by ЮЛЯ | ФИТНЕС | ПИТАНИЕ | МЫСЛИ (@ju_letta) on

3. Plie’ squats

Advantage: Plie’ squats are good not only for the buttocks but also for the inner surface of the hip.

Technique: This exercise is best done with an additional weight, like a dumbbell or a kettlebell. Or you can use any other object you have at home. Take the weight with both hands. Your arms should hang down. Place your legs as wide as you can, your toes should be apart. The more apart your toes are, the harder it will be. You back should be straight, and your hips should be up.

From this position, you should slowly move down. The squat should go as low as possible, lower than parallel to the floor. While breathing out, return to the initial position. During the entire exercise, your knees should face the same direction as your toes, and the weight should be perpendicular to the floor. To keep the muscles tense during the exercise, don’t straighten your legs completely.

How many: 3–4 sets, 15–20 reps.

Despite the many variations of this exercise, you can find an easy variation on the lena_maxim page that you can do at home. As a weight, you can use a 5-liter bottle of water.

4. Gluteal bridge with feet together

Advantage: Gluteal bridge is a great way to workout the buttocks, and the variation with your feet kept together will let you exercise the adductor muscles.

Technique: The starting position: you lie on your back with your hands along your body, palms on the floor, the legs bent at the knees, the feet are pressed against each other, the knees are facing different directions. Then, slowly push the pelvis up as high as you can, and your body should make a straight line with your hips, your shoulders should stay on the floor.

When you are at the highest point, pause for a few seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position, without your buttocks touching the floor. You should feel tension in the buttocks during the entire exercise. In the beginning, don’t use any additional weights, just work on your technique.

How many: 3 sets, 50 reps each without additional weight.

In her video, Diana Ruiz makes this exercise more difficult. To make the buttocks work even more, she puts her feet on a special balancing platform. At home, you can use something like a not very soft pillow for this.

2 1/2 Year Difference 🙏 💃🏻 I know what your thinking that’s not possible? Is that really you? Yes it’s possible & yes it’s me! I’ve always been skinny I’m naturally thin my parents are natural thin my sister is thin. But I was never very happy with that, everyone I knew wanted to be skinny ? But I wanted to gain weight. How ironic 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve been called just about every name in the book. & it made me very self conscious I was 89 pounds when I started going to the gym I wore sweaters around my butt and long sleeves for months. This isn’t something that happens over night it takes months, & Years! . ❗️IMPORTANT❗️ I’m not trying to go for any look, I’m going for what I like. When people ask my about my upper body and if I work it out YES I do but I don’t care for it! I’m not going for your look! I’ve gain over 35 pounds and FOR MY BODY TYPE it looks perfect. So don’t tell me what you think looks good ok ok 🤷🏻‍♀️ . Food 🥘 Food is extremely important if your not eating enough your not going to gain weight. You can think your eating enough but your probably not. I started counting my calories just so I can make the 2400 calories mark everyday at least I try to. My body works one way if I don’t eat I lose it right away. I try and have 4-5 big meals a day plus protein shakes @pescience Vegan protein & I have Snacks if I have time to make them. I also workout 6 times a week & I lift heavy none of this hit cardio bullshit. Sorry it’s not going to help if your trying to gain a butt! . . If you have questions please comment down below! 🤗 . . ***ESPAÑOL ABAJO EN EL PRIMER COMENTARIO*** . . . . #dianaruizfit #yourfavoritefitlatina #fitlatina #glutes #fitfam #PEScience #selectTheBest #fitnessmodel #BodyBuilding #GirlsWhoLift #Glutes #FitnessGoals #Fitness #Flex #BootyGoals #ShreddingMotivation #fitnessmotivation #Glutequeend #wshhfitness

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5. Romanian pull with one support leg

Advantage: The goal of the Romanian pull exercise is to work out the back of your hip, and its variation with one support leg is good for those people who have problems with their back.

Technique: You should place your legs together, put one of them a step forward, it should be straight, and the other leg should be slightly bent. Hands with dumbbells along the body, the back should be straight. From this initial position, bend down slowly and keep the hands perpendicular to the floor while moving. Then go back to the initial position. You need to keep the hips in one line while doing the exercise. ​​​​​​

How many: 3–4 sets, 12–15 reps for each leg.

Check out Whitney Simmons’s page to find many variations of the Romanian pull. There is one which is very unusual.

Built, not bought. Here's the deal: I spent 8 months losing a lot of weight I'd gained after being in a very bad place mentally and physically for almost a year (lmao not ready to show that progress picture yet) After 8 months of hard work, I noticed your girl had lost that thing 💪🏼🍑😈 they call muscle. I've worked so hard for 2 1/2 years to gain this booty of mine. Eating right, training hard and having the persistence to keep moving forward. I've learned so many things along the way and that's why I do what I do now, to help others too. Because the fitness game changed my life… Mentally and physically. And I want to do the same for others. I post booty, leg and so many other workouts and tips and tricks here and on YouTube to help get you get the gains I did 😅💦 Here's to my very first, #TransformationTuesday post 👏🏼🎉

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6. Gluteal bridge with one leg lift

Advantage: This variation of the gluteal bridge allows you to work out your buttocks separately for each leg.

Technique: If you are doing this exercise at home, you can use a couch. Sit on the floor with your back to the couch. Your hands should be behind your neck. Bend the body back. The angle between the body and the floor should be around 45 degrees, one leg should be straight and lifted up, and the other should be bent, with the foot on the floor.

Lift your pelvis as high as you can from this position. At the top position the body should be parallel to the floor, and the upper part of the back should be on the couch seat. Then go back to the initial position, without touching the floor with your buttocks. You should feel tension during the entire exercise.

How many: 5 sets, 12–15 reps for each leg.

Linn Lowes shares the video of her home workouts on her Instagram page. She often uses special fitness bands in her exercises which allow her to increase the load on the muscles.

7. Side lunges with support

Advantage: Unlike the classic lunges back and forward, the side lunges allow you to work out the gluteus medius and the inner side of the hip.

Technique: The initial position: stand up, the legs are shoulder width apart, the back should be straight, and the hands are on the waist. Then, when breathing in, make one big step to the side, bend the knee and put the foot on the floor. Squat until the knee is at a 90 degree angle.

The back should be straight, the only thing you can do is lean forward just a bit. The second leg should be on the side and completely straight. Then, return to the initial position. To make the exercise more difficult, put the foot of the support leg on a chair or a bench. Do squats in this position.

How many: 4 sets, 10 reps for each leg.

Hanna Öberg often shows the more difficult variations of the exercises we know well on her Instagram page, including the side lunges.

8. Ankle band standing

Advantage: This exercise is good for warming up and working out the gluteus medius.

Technique: Stand at a short distance from the support, then put your hands on it, bend your back a little, step on your toes. After this, move the feet as close to each other as possible. Then return to the initial position. No matter how easy the exercise seems to be, you should do it very slowly and carefully because you might hurt your joints.

How many: 3–4 sets, 30–35 reps.

In her social media, Brittany Perille often shares videos with many variations of the exercises that she does in her workouts. This exercise is good for both the beginning (to warm up) and for the ending of a workout.

Throw(Waaay)Back Thursday 🙈 Well, where do I begin? I think I will start with the most eye catching 😳difference between these two pics 🍈🍈 The boobs 😆 or lack thereof Yes, I have absolutely had a breast augmentation 🙌🏼. No shame in my game 🙅🏼 and we 💑 are very happy with them 👌🏻. I know I keep mentioning my husband but he has been the most important aspect of my life since 2 months after turning 17 years old. Eventually you all will start to realize I am pretty obsessed with him 😆😘. Sooo… Left picture (17 years old) when I first started dating my husband ❤️. Picture is slightly blurry but I feel this shows how naturally skinny and petite my frame is. I am tall but petite. My arms were tiny with almost zero muscle mass. My collar bones stuck out and my waist was always very little. I remember the days when I could touch both hands together when I would grab my waist 😱. Crazy thing is that I was a human garbage disposal. I would eat and eat and eat 😅. Booty was minimal but little did I know that my genetics would allow for what I have built today. This was my body up until I started heavy weight lifting. Right picture (27 years old). Intense heavy weight lifting and dedication to a meal plan. I am fairly vascular in my arms and have managed to keep a fairly tiny waist (picture was taken during a lean bulk). I have gained a lot more muscle esp. in my legs while having built some serious glutage 🍑. Glutes have been solely built through my Glute Exercises. This is why I cannot stress enough to all cardio 🐰's trying to gain major muscle mass the importance of lifting progressively heavier weights each session 💪🏼. Again, I repeat myself. I have had NO! other surgical enhancement besides a breast augmentation. The rest of my curves are 100% natural. 🙏🏻

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When doing any exercises, don’t forget about the contraindications, unique things about every person, and also that you should ideally consult your doctor in advance to avoid harming yourself with the exercises.

And the main secret to why fitness bloggers are in a great shape is that they have balanced diets. More than that, they don’t do exercises sporadically, they do them all the time!
