The Real Reason Couples Stop Having Sex is Something All Working Moms Can Relate to
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06:02 2018-03-21

A new survey reveals why we’re all having less sex.

If you’re too tired to even read past this intro, we’ll get straight to it. In a reveal that will shock no working parent, 71.5 percent of couples said the reason that they no longer have sex is because they’re too tired … womp womp.

DrEd, an online doctor service based out of the U.K., recently surveyed 1,000 men and women in the U.S. and the U.K. about their sex lives.

In the study, respondents named “being too tired” as the No. 1 reason they don’t have sex. (In this survey, sex wasn’t defined, and was instead left up to the individual respondents. Survey takers were made up of all different sexual orientations and identities.)

Around half also said work or being too busy in general is another reason they put off sex.

Pain (from conditions such as vulvodynia, vaginismus, as well as general pain, back, knee, arthritis, etc.) were also factors.

But the survey wasn’t all bad news—those who said they talked to their partners about sex ended up having more.

So instead of waiting for the perfect time (i.e. some mythical Saturday night where for once, chores are mostly done and the kids are in bed, asleep, for long enough for wine, pizza and adult conversation), maybe some simple weekday dirty texting is in order?

Ah, who are we kidding? Until the 40-hour work week is truly the 40-hour work week and/or more companies adopt truly flexible leave policies, stolen moments of uninterrupted Netflix will most likely remain our go-to aphrodisiac.
